WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Divitarot.com - Free divinatory tarot 
WHEEL OF FORTUNE is a card that symbolizes change, destiny, and the cycles of life. It represents a period of transformation where unexpected events or opportunities will require you to adapt. WHEEL OF FORTUNE reminds you that life is in constant motion, and nothing remains static, whether it’s moments of success or challenges.

In general interpretations, WHEEL OF FORTUNE predicts a period of transition where new opportunities may arise or situations may suddenly shift. This card invites you to embrace movement and recognize that every change can offer a chance for growth or improvement. It is often associated with luck and moments when events seem to fall into place almost magically.

However, WHEEL OF FORTUNE also reminds you that you cannot always control everything. It’s important to stay confident and adapt flexibly to life’s ups and downs. This card encourages you to view the cycles of life as opportunities to learn and progress, no matter which direction the wheel turns.