THE HERMIT - - Free divinatory tarot 
THE HERMIT is a card that symbolizes introspection, inner search, and constructive solitude. It represents a time when you are encouraged to temporarily withdraw from the outside world to reflect, recentre yourself, and discover deeper truths about who you are. THE HERMIT also embodies wisdom gained through experience and patience.

In general interpretations, THE HERMIT predicts a time of personal quest or inner reflection. This card encourages you to take time for yourself, listen to your intuition, and seek answers within rather than from external sources. It may also indicate that you are about to find solutions to challenges or questions through a process of contemplation and stepping back.

However, THE HERMIT also reminds you that excessive isolation or avoidance of others can become a hindrance. While a period of solitude can be beneficial, it’s important to return to the world once you’ve found the answers you seek. This card invites you to balance inner reflection with engagement in the external world.